
gadg-et-oid [gaj-it-oid]


1. having the characteristics or form of a gadget;
resembling a mechanical contrivance or device.


Sky HD And Multiroom First Impressions

It hadn’t occurred to me until recently that I could leverage my humble journalistic position to obtain a Sky HD…

Sitting Down With The Roland V-Piano

The words “synthesized piano” conjure forth the feeble, lifeless sounds of a plinky Casio keyboard, the sort of sound that…

Keyboard Madness

I’ve come across many gaming keyboards sporting a range of gimmicks in my profession. Thus far I find the SteelSeries…

Asoblock, Coming To UK Shores?

There are whispers all over the web about Asoblocks, the ball-and-joint centric construction kit that enables you to easily build…

World of Warcraft: The Addiction

I’ve heard the tales from many a recovering WoW addict, they suffer from urges to play the game again but,…

Flower Power

At the request of John I hit the PS3 Store to pick up Nobi Nobi (aka Stretchy Stretchy) Boy, the…

Wrath Of The Lich King

Well I’ve been playing (read: reviewing) Wrath of the Lich King for some months now and, for the most part,…

Halo Wars – Cabinet War Rooms preview event

Report by Johnus Maximus On the 27th of January 2009, some time before the city of London was besieged by…

Samsung NC10

With the price of the Open Pandora console rising by around £70 in these dire times it has become a…

Arcam Solo rDock

I’ve finally had a chance to hook up the Arcam Solo Mini to it’s lovely little MUSO speakers and proceed…

Welcome To The NetBook Band-Wagon

Well now every major laptop manufacturer has jumped firmly upon the netbook band-wagon with products that are ever growing in…

Sonim XP3 Screen Blemished (And Then Magically Fixed!)

Well, after a round of kicking the ringing Sonim XP3 down the street and laughing at the absurdity of such…

First Look At The Sonim XP3

I’ve finally got my hands upon a Sonim XP3 and joined the ranks of journalists who are searching the deepest…

Banjo Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts

Christmas puts everyone into a spending frenzy, it’s most probably the first time this year that I have actually purchased…

Merry Christmas From The Gadgetoid Team

It’s been a year of slow but sure growth for us here at Gadgetoid. We’ve been joined by John and,…

Another Crazy Idea: The Flexi Velcro-lined Bag

Whilst admiring the comparative flexibility of the Proporta Gadget Bag in preparation for my review, I came up with the…


Yes, I know it’s old, but I can’t believe this product exists… I love a cold pillow as much as…

Get English Tea With Your Phone Case

This is, perhaps, the most chuffed I’ve been after opening a for-review package. bundled a tea-bag with their shipment…

Prince of Persia

Diabolically bad choice of voice and character for the prince aside, I’ve actually found the new Prince of Persia to…

Dead Space Isn’t Scaring Me

Maybe I’m missing out on something special by lazily galavanting through Dead Space on easy difficulty. But should difficulty really…