
gadg-et-oid [gaj-it-oid]


1. having the characteristics or form of a gadget;
resembling a mechanical contrivance or device.

Archive for October, 2013

Magic The Gathering: Theros Inspiring Heroics Event Deck Review

Fans of Greek mythology will be pleased to learn that it’s finally been adapted into a new Magic the Gathering…

Magic The Gathering: Theros Blazing Beasts Of Myth Intro Pack Review

Blazing Beasts of Myth is one of the 5 new intro packs spearheading the Theros expansion. It’s a Red/Green deck…

Magic The Gathering: Heroes vs. Monsters Duel Decks Review

The introduction of a Greek Mythology adaption by the Theros block has given a great opportunity to explore the idea…

Magic The Gathering: Theros Fat Pack Review

The lore, legends and Myth of Greek mythology have been borrowed from heavily to form a grand new theme for…

Magic The Gathering: Theros Face The Hydra Challenge Deck

Face The Hydra is a fantastically implemented macro-game within the Magic universe that lets you face off against a cornerstone…

Lenovo X230 Laptop Review

With my MacBook Pro dying a slow death from component failure, rather than jump to immediately fixing it and dragging…