
gadg-et-oid [gaj-it-oid]


1. having the characteristics or form of a gadget;
resembling a mechanical contrivance or device.
Soundcore Liberty 4 Pro Noise-cancelling Earbuds Reviewed

Featured: Soundcore Liberty 4 Pro Noise-cancelling Earbuds Reviewed


Momax XC Dual USB Mains Charger Review

Momax XC Dual USB Mains Charger Review

If you’re an iPhone 5 owner who isn’t swimming in cash, you’ve probably very quickly realised that lightning charging cables…

Oh dear, I’ve become a Converse convert

Oh dear, I’ve become a Converse convert

Yes… I’m writing about Converse on my tech blog. Deal with it. You wont find an affiliate link here, these…

Gemini Duo 9.7 Android Jelly Bean Tablet Reviewed

Gemini Duo 9.7 Android Jelly Bean Tablet Reviewed

I took a look at the Gemini Duo 9.7, a feature-packaged, Android Jellybean powered, multi-coloured yet highly affordable tablet from…

Be.Ez LA Allure iPhone 4S Case Review

Be.Ez LA Allure iPhone 4S Case Review

My first thoughts on taking the LA Allure case out of it’s packaging was that it looked very pretty but…

ArmourDillo Hybrid Nexus 4 case review

ArmourDillo Hybrid Nexus 4 case review

This truly is a Gadgetoid favourite. The ArmourDillo Hybrid Nexus 4 case from MobileFun is the TRANSFORMERS IN DISGUISE of…

Flexishield Skin Nexus 4 case review

Flexishield Skin Nexus 4 case review

Having recently moved up in the world from a Nokia N8 to a Nexus 4, I found myself in need…

Auna Mini19B Wireless Speakers Reviewed

Auna Mini19B Wireless Speakers Reviewed

Perhaps it’s some mystifying force attached to my love of music, or simply just fortune, or misfortune, but I tend…

Alienware X51 Samsung 840 Pro SSD Upgrade

Alienware X51 Samsung 840 Pro SSD Upgrade

The Alienware X51 is a fantastic, compact gaming rig which I gushed about in my review. I also mentioned plans…

Macally iPad mini Rotating Folio Case Review

Macally iPad mini Rotating Folio Case Review

If, like me, you find yourself doing a lot of travelling, then you will know that finding the perfect case…

Aliens: Colonial Marines Review

Aliens: Colonial Marines Review

If you’re a PC gamer from the glory days you’ll remember the likes of Aliens vs Predator fondly ( or…

Alienware X51 Ultra Compact Gaming PC

Alienware X51 Ultra Compact Gaming PC

It’s been a good 5 years, if not more, since I purchased a gaming PC. Preferring instead consoles, or whatever…

Revo K101 GBA Clone Review

Revo K101 GBA Clone Review

If you’ve heard of the K1 GBA SP before, then the Revo K101 is its successor. If not, then the…

Oberon Design iPad 3 Artisan Leather Case Review

Oberon Design iPad 3 Artisan Leather Case Review

I’ve tried a lot of iPad cases in my time, but I always ultimately come back to the thick, durable…

HobbyTronics Serial-VGA for Arduino & Raspberry Pi

HobbyTronics Serial-VGA for Arduino & Raspberry Pi

Displays, in all their various forms, are, without a doubt, the most popular hobby hardware hacking component. From LED matrixes…

Microlab H21 Bluetooth Bookshelf Speakers

Microlab H21 Bluetooth Bookshelf Speakers

Bookshelf speakers are an oft overlooked home-entertainment addition, perhaps because bookshelves are a dying breed, or are always crammed with…

Magic: The Gathering – Duels of the Planeswalkers 2013 review (XBLA)

Magic: The Gathering – Duels of the Planeswalkers 2013 review (XBLA)

Review by John Cranston Paul Daniels. David Blaine. Sooty. All experts in the field of magic. But there’s one name…

Concrete Cases Mac Hook 13″ MacBook Pro Case

Concrete Cases Mac Hook 13″ MacBook Pro Case

Concrete cases is a new kid on the block when it comes to Apple laptop cases, but they’re certainly not…

Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon: Future Soldier review (Xbox 360)

Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon: Future Soldier review (Xbox 360)

Review by John Cranston This week I learned “techno-thriller”, while sounding like the title of a Lady Gaga song, is…

Otone Audio Stilo 2.1 Pro Desktop Speakers

Otone Audio Stilo 2.1 Pro Desktop Speakers

Following on from my review of the great little Otone Aporto portable speakers I wanted to review something a little…

MagneCube Magnetic Puzzle

MagneCube Magnetic Puzzle

By now you’ve probably heard of BuckyBalls, and perhaps even Zen Magnets and NeoCube. They’re all the same thing; sets…