
gadg-et-oid [gaj-it-oid]


1. having the characteristics or form of a gadget;
resembling a mechanical contrivance or device.

Our man in… Eurogamer Expo 2010

by Johnus Maximus

It hardly seems a year since my last foray into the exciting and glamorous world of games conventions, but once again the annual Eurogamer Expo had returned, for this their third year. This time they abandoned the north/south dual-expo idea and instead went for a larger and longer event in our nations capital. There was the promise of more games, more developers and generally more of everything at this years event. Did it deliver? Find out below…

When I attended last year’s show – article here – it was clear that the Eurogamer team had a huge success on their hands in terms of demand versus supply of tickets, so it was inevitable that they took the show to a larger venue. A venue with more space meant more room for games, people and of course, queues. This year you really had to make sure you planned what to see in the day, as there was no chance of getting your hands on everything unless you were prepared to brave the elements and get in the queues early each day.

As well as a vast array of current and soon-to-be-released titles, there were unique presentations from leading games developers, the small but perfectly formed Indie Arcade showcasing a an alternative selection of PC titles, and a careers fair in association with Plenty to see and do, having tickets for all three days proved pretty indispensable, but by the end of it I was shattered.

For me personally, there were some real highlight moments that made the show an experience to be remembered. Getting the opportunity to see industry legend Peter Molyneux talk about the ideas and inspiration behind all three Fable games, having my mind changed about the potential of 3DTV technology by Killzone 3, being lucky enough to attend the Eurogamer charity party in support of GamesAid, and finally embracing the opportunity to arrange meet-ups with fellow gamers, writers and like-minded friends.

Sure there were some negative sides to the show – queues seemed longer for some games this year (Brink especially),  food prices were pretty exorbitant, Transport for London had plenty of problems keeping their tubes running, a lot of the demo units did not have people on hand to help when problems arose and there was clearly not enough soap/antiperspirant for some of the attendees. These things aside, the show was a success and I am looking forward to next year already.

Now, if you’re wondering what my opinions were of the games on show, wait no more, here’s the full rundown:

Well there you have it folks, a summary of everything I saw over the three days. It may not look like I did much over that time, but at least you don’t have to queue for thirty minutes in between reading about each game! I can heartily recommend a trip to the expo for anyone even remotely interested in gaming. With your support, it could grow it into something the UK games industry, press and enthusiasts could be proud of.

Sunday, October 10th, 2010, Computer Gaming, Featured, PC, Playstation 3, Wii, Xbox 360.